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Late December 2007, one saturday evening.
Post-kanyaaveekshane talking round.
"I heard that you blog", was the very first thing she told me.
"Yes, how did you know?" (Have I become so big in blogosphere? - I had wondered)
"Uncle told me."
"Oh, is it?" (Half blushing and half expecting to hear that I have a great sense of humor :D)
Nothing so filmy happened. But then we started talking about blogs, we figured out that half of the blogs that I follow are her offline friends. So much for the global village and the spherical world.

After that I asked, "What are your hobbies?"
"Reading and writing" (What! Writing??? Not blogging, but writing! That sounded like an actual writer, and not like someone who woke up one day in 2005 and started blogging - aka me)
"Hmm, you have a blog?"
"No" (Another analogy I can think of is - photographers vs Digicam-owners :) )
If my memory serves me right, I had suggested to her that she should open a blog.

Exactly 9 days after that, we were "engaged" and for the first time, I happened to read one of her write-ups. I had told her again that she should open a blog.

"Engaged" became "Married" and I went on relentlessly pestering (she can vouch for how annoying I can get when I am at my tenacious best!) Finally she has hopped on to the blogosphere. I hope she finds time to write often. Ladies and Gentlemen, may we have...okay I will cut down the is the link to her blog:

Now I should somehow get my dad to start blogging! This one is not so easy, I tell ya!


Diya said…
:-) How about if I try and convince him??? It would then be ohh so easy ;)
Bit Hawk said…
That would be perfecto! :)

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