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Tell me your mail id and I will tell who you are

You might have known people telling personality traits based on sun signs, moon signs, date of birth, year of birth (oh yes, its a chinese one). I have seen personality tests based on color preferences, answers to particular questions etc. I even had a DOS application which told about your qualities based on the way you built a house!

But, I always wondered why people never analyzed based on people's mail ids. Here is an honest attempt at a never-done-before task.

Disclaimer : This analysis is obviously prejudiced and has no scientific explanation. Any hurt, sadness or anger caused to anyone is purely accidental and simply unavoidable!

If your primary mail is Yahoo...

You love stability. You take calculated risks in life. You dont believe in sudden changes, and you think that hard work is the only way to success. You balance your personal life and career very well. The only regret you have is that people dont give enough credit for what you are worth.

Romance : You make the best pair with people with Hotmail ids. Gmail is also favorable, with some compromises needed. Avoid Rediff types.

If your primary mail is Gmail...

Ambitious is the word to describe you. You are never happy with what you got and aspire for something extra all the time. You are considered genius and maverick by your peers. Your friends somehow find it difficult to understand you, your eccentricities and you have your fair share of enemies as well. You are very dependent on the attention you get from everyone.

Romance : You hit off well with people with Yahoo and Rediff mail ids and not with Hotmail.

If your primary mail is Hotmail...

You prefer to live in the past, most of the times. You are content with what you have got. You feel that having too much only complicates life. You love to daydream and live in a fantasy world. Your friends consider you as indifferent and resistant to change.

Romance : You get along well with Yahoo types. You find Gmail and Rediff types as very eccentric.

If your primary mail is Rediff...

Most of the persons in this group are females or someone with strong feminine qualities. You believe that speed is everything and you are extremely spontaneous. Great starters that you are, you tend to lose that enthusiasm midway. You tend to do many things at one time, which lands you in trouble.

Romance : Though there can be some fireworks, you will have an exciting relationship with Gmail types. You feel that you Yahoo and Hotmail are pretty boring types.

If you have keep on changing your primary mail ids frequently...

You are very fickle minded. You are very flirtatious. You dont feel interested about anything for a long time. You get bored very easily. You dont believe in settled relationships and you have very low emotional intelligence.

Romance : Though you have greater chances that you end up with people similar to you, people with Gmail ids can have a positive influence on you.

If you just have a corporate mail id and no personal mail id...

You live in a world of your own. You hate meeting people in general. Some of you may even be autistic. You are very career oriented and you have very few or no friends. You are gloomy most of the times.

Romance : Learn to smile first. Or else, forget about romance!

So, whats your mail id? :)


Anonymous said…
ninge loosu anta idu prove maaddedre innenu madalla!!
Aadru odakke channagittu ;)
I have a psycho cousin!
micromysore said…
whats your mail id? :)
sooper write up kano ..
btw, answering for the Q, all of it .. heheheheh ..
Shyam said…
What if I have all and use them suitably???? ;)
no answers please :)
Anonymous said…
I have a doubt. Do yahoo-yahoo, gmail-gmail etc. make good pairs ? :) Very good writing :)
Raghavendra D R said…
hahaha! that was very good! :D
Anonymous said…
hey nice writeup,

now i feel like logical writing it was .... ;)
Venu said…
:) nice man..u are very creative :D
Viji said…
as usual, u have shown how creative u r in thought..good one vasu
Viji said…
as usual, u have shown how creative u r in thought..good one vasu
SK said…
a delightful read - thank you!
hey vasu... i acknowledge u!
close to truth!!
Anonymous said…
Very interesting analysis.
Anonymous said…

Awesome creativity! Your analysis is both interesting and funny! I received your crime dairy mp3 as a fwd the other day. Landed on your site via google. I am surprised you aren't more popular. :)

You should try a English/Hindi version of your crime dairy with more of those sounds for the non-kannada folks out there.

Have fun!

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