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I am thinking...
why 10.00 PM-10.00 AM appears such a short time compared to 10.00 AM-10.00 PM

I said...
Crap! (I should stop this, seriously)

I want...
a cup of good coffee now.

I wish...
I had more patience.

I miss...

I hear...
the familiar sound of typing a keyboard.

I wonder...
as to why the world is so chaotic.

I regret...
that I have too many regrets.

I am...
an almost complete stranger to myself.

I dance...
when I get the right partner to dance ;)

I sing...
generally when I am alone.

I cry...
Have not cried in years (Cant even remember when I cried last!)

I am not...
What I thought of myself 2 years ago!

I write...
for the sheer joy of writing.

I confuse...
others and myself.

I need...
Music for my survival.

I should...
Be more patient.

I finish...
Writing this within 5 mins.

I tag anybody who comes across this and finds it interesting!


Sandhya said…
I read your blog often ;)
Venu said…
I wonder..
How you write such nice posts :)

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