There are two reasons why this movie might run away with the worst movie of the year - one, obviously its horrendous and two, its terribly long. During all the Hurman - Priyanka interactions, I was initially shocked by the amount of screen time Hurman's face was getting. Soon I realized that its because the camera was always behind Priyanka's almost bare back. I was half expecting Joe Pesci to pop up from somewhere and yell - "Wanna know my raashee? I dont know, you should #&*$ing know. Tell me smart guy, whats your raashee? Whats your #&*$ing raashee? What the #&*$ is your #&*$ing raashee?" or something on those lines. The greatest achievement is this movie proved that Bollywood can come up with 12 different names for a girl - yes, who was that idiot who said there are no names other than Pooja, Sanjana, Tina, Simran and Anjali. 2-5-1-6-3-4 <-- Tarantino 1-11-3-7-4-5-8-6-12-2-9-10 <-- Gowarikar You must be thinkin...
If it made sense to you, remember, it was actually not meant to!