I am too just-married to get tired of writing stuff related to the wedding. Gone are those days when people were anxious to know what gifts they got. Nowadays its all about hoping that the unwanted gifts dont exceed the storage space at your home. There are 3 broad categories when it comes to gifting 'items': Innovative types Only 2% belong to this category. They know your tastes, they know how usable it is to you, they know that the chances of someone else gifting the same item are slim. Ganesha types If I were Lord Shiva or Vishnu, I would have cursed the entire humanity for how I am ignored when it comes to gift items. A typical conversation of a couple goes about like this: Husband: We have to go to that wedding in the evening. Wife: What gift shall we buy? Husband: Some Ganesha gift item of course. Wife: (smiling) Of course! (What else?) 54% of the people fall under this category. Ganesha has got great range, he comes in all forms - from the most ar...
If it made sense to you, remember, it was actually not meant to!